About Dhruvkanya
Astrologer Dhruvakanya is very famous in Calcutta, North East and India for her very accurate predictions. Dhruvkanya is an expert in Palm reading, Vaastu, Face Reading and Numerology. Nowadays in many parts of India, she is invited as a motivational speaker. She is also the founder of “Ratnamandir” (An astrological chamber of Dhruvkanya) in Dumdum, Kolkata. Be sure to visit for any questions and suggestions regarding livelihood issues.
About Ratnamandir
Dhruvakanya was fascinated with astrology from a very young age. She has given many people the right direction in life through astrology. With this there was a great need for a certain place to show people the right way. She established Ratnamandir in 2016. An organization where you can talk with an open mind, you can believe with your eyes closed and yes, most importantly you can talk to the best astrologers in the country.